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FML - Wikipedia's Simple English =.= are you kidding me?

There is once I am very proud that I study Science and bombard my friends around me with the scientific terms that no1 could understand(I know, so mean right?). It was so bad at a point that my friends have to ask me to speak ENGLISH! LOL

Thats no the point of this point. When I was doing some research about my Final Year Project, which is some how related to medical (but you know my major is in Electronic and Computing), it really give me some hard time. One of the most complete guide to encyclopedic on net should be Wikipedia. Like you know, their English is so Fu(k!ng hard to understand =.=


So I decide to find the Chinese version (since my mother tounge is Mandarin + Cantonese), but hey! I found the J3sus Chr!st in language:


Wiki, are you kidding me? =.=

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